Goslar is generally a safe place, but adopt the same safety precautions at elsewhere in Europe. In general the Goslarians are quite open minded. If you get into difficulties, then the following addresses should provide you with assistance. As everywhere, do not exploit the generosity of the locals.
Lower-Saxon Police Service
(http://www.polizei-goslar.de) - Goslar district divisional headquarters serving the Harz region. Also provides up-to-date traffic information for Goslar district in German only. Polizeiinspektion Goslar, Heinrich-Pieper-Str. 1, 38640 Goslar. Tel. 0049-5321-339-0 V. In an emergency dial 110, the police emergency line & crimestoppers calls in the German or English language only.Goslar Fire Service
(http://www.feuerwehr-goslar.de). Oker St. 40, 38640 Goslar.ADAC (German Motorists Association)
(http://www.adac.de). Representative in Goslar. Membership in the ADAC or partner organisations is required! Reisedienst F. Bokelmann KG, Marktkirchhof 1, 38640 Goslar, T:0049-5321 22233, F: 0049-5321-26578.AIDS Hilfe
(http://www.aidshilfe-gosl...) - Goslar provides counselling to suffers of HIV.The Samaritans
can be contacted at T:0800-1110111.buy...
... the little kitsch "Hexen" witch dolls...not! Goslar serves as a mid-range regional shopping centre to the Harz region. There are boutiques and department stores, where you can find anything to your liking. Locals, however, would favour Goslar in particular for the: